Office Hours
11 AM to 5 PM EST M-F
Please call for an appointment outside these hours
Early AM ( 7 AM -9 AM) call Don at home: (248) 360-9819
Be sure truck driver has our phone number and a telephone with him in case he has trouble finding us.
From Pontiac
- Take state highway M-59 west (also called Highland Road by the office)
- Past Pontiac Airport (on right side of road)
- Past Williams Lake Road (large intersection)
- Past McDonalds (on the left side of road)
- Move into right lane immediately and watch for Affordable Mini Storage (on right side of road, with the red doors)
- See our Yellow/Black sign 8’ wide 1 ½’ high says “Shelving & Racks”
- Make right turn into driveway first building on left
- If you get to the BP Gas Station, you have gone about ½ mile too far
From Brighton
- Take M-59 East
- 13-1/2 miles East of US 23
- Cross Teggerdine Road by teh 2nd BP Gas Station
- When you see Affordable Mini Storage Sign (they have red doors), get in left turn lane
- Make left turn into driveway before Estate Mini Storage, you will see our sign “Shelving & Rack” (yellow/black 8’ wide by 1 ½’ high.)
- Building is first on left

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Solve Needs International / Equipment Company of America (ECOA)
Phone: 248-698-3200 Email: